Sunday, August 26, 2012


Spit Ball
Teacher: Whoever answers this question can go home now one hour early
Student: Accidentally shoots a spit ball at his teacher
Teacher: who shot that spit ball
Student: I did by mistake. See you tomorrow

Duck in a Bar
A duck walks into a bar.
Duck: You got any bread?
Barman: No sorry, we don't have any bread
(after a few minutes) Duck: You got any bread?
Barman: Look, we don't have any bread
(in a little while) Duck: You got any bread?
Barman: We don't have any bread!!
(Some time later) Duck: Got any bread?
Barman: if you ask me if i've got any bread once more im gonna nail your bill to this bar....
Duck: You got any nails?
Barman: NO!
Duck: You got any bread?

Friday, August 17, 2012

A lady was driving on the highway, making sure to stay within the speed limit. However, when she looked into her rear view mirror, much to her dismay she saw a police car not far behind. And, to make matters worse, the police car turned on his flashing lights.

She thought to herself, "I'm not speeding, I haven't been drinking, I'm not texting, I have my seat belt on and I renewed my license plates." Mystified, she pulled over and the police car pulled in behind her.

She rolled down the window. When the police officer approached, the lady pointed to her ear and shook her head to indicate that she was deaf.

The policeman smiled and signed back, "I know. I stopped you to tell you that your horn is stuck."